About Us
Changing the Landscape of Mental Health
High Mountain Counseling's mission is to change the very face of mental health by providing high quality clinical care while simultaneously breaking stereotypes that have often plagued therapists and the mental health community; ultimately to open a door of exploration to each person of what it means to be human.

Our Story
High Mountain Counseling was started in 2003, when Aaron left the treatment center he was working at to pursue his passion in new unexplored terrain. At the time, he had started doing out of the box clinical work by creating a bike club to help at risk youth fix up and learn to ride bikes to help them gain confidence and improve their self esteem. He took that passion for creative clinical work into the community ultimately working successfully with some of the most traumatized systems, families and children. Today, he hopes to inspire others, clinicians included, to find, nurture and grow their gifts to make a similar impact in their communities!