Community Based Services
Community Based or Home Based therapy occurs in the home, school or general community and uses the natural environment to enact the clinical process. The advantages of this approach include decreased client resistance for teens and children, a better view of the systemic family and/or school dynamic, greater degree of authenticity which increases trust development and faster assessment and clinical gains than what may occur in an office setting. HMCTI only provides these services to children and families and does not provide them for families who have commercial insurance.
Intensive Home Based Therapy is often used in situations where the clinical picture is very complex, diagnostic symptoms are increasing in a significant manner, and the client is at risk of needing a higher level of care such as hospitalization or residential or day treatment. It encompasses a 24 hour crisis management component which is crucial to achieve stabilization of the client or system and prevent hospitalization or failed placements such as in foster and adoptive transition scenarios. Please contact the executive director for more specific information.