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Available Trainings

Onsite & Virtual Trainings

The clinicians at High Mountain Counseling and Training Institute do not just see clients, they empower systems. They train entire organizations and school districts on some of the most innovative clinical treatment and programming ideas found anywhere in the country. If there is a training you feel addresses a need you have, we encourage you to contact us even if certain criteria such as length do not seem to apply. Often times we can adjust the training’s to meet time and budget constraints and tailor the training so it more effectively addresses the specific needs of your organization or group.


How are our training’s different?


Many trainers at those conferences you may attend are basically trying to sell you something. They focus on giving you a few good strategies, grab your interest, and then hook you in with the book you need to buy and so on. Yes, some of us at High Mountain Counseling and Training Institute are published authors; but you do not need to buy any of our products to become more effective with the children or families you serve. We focus on providing a solid foundation upon which  you can become the most effective clinician or teacher that you can be. We fill our training’s with practical strategies you can use right away and we take a straight forward approach that feels authentic and real. Do we believe in the products and publications we have created? Absolutely! Do you absolutely need to use those to make a difference? Absolutely not! We center our training’s off of one central motto which is most definitely true in all contexts and situations:


“If you give a person a fish, they will eat for a day. If you teach them how to fish, they will eat forever!

Need more information?

If you are interested in getting a quote or need more information for one of our trainings, please fill in the form below. 

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