1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love
The most wonderous decision you may ever make...will also be one of the most challenging over time. Before you make that commitment, learn how God has created you, including all of your pain and struggle, specifically for this long journey with your soon to be spouse.
Premarital Counseling
Faith Based - Trauma Empowered
Rooted in the principles exemplified in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as told in the Bible, this 8 week course will help you and your soon to be spouse understand how and why God brought you together, and will equip you with knowledge and understanding about how trauma plays a role in the survival or death of a marriage. Course outline includes the following:
Session 1: Being Known - Your Story, Yours Story
Session 2: Being Known By Christ - Your Testimony
Session 3: Attachment & Emotions - Establishing A Firm Foundation
Session 4: The 7 Most Important Things About Trauma
Session 5: The Neurobiology of Trauma & Relationships
Session 6: Identifying Unhealthy Patterns of Coping & Relationships
Session 7: Relationship Canvas: Writing the New Intentional Patterns
Session 8: Review, Processing & Final Prayer