Published Books
"The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through their brain and goes straight to the heart" - Maya Angelou

Traumatized Students: School-Based Interventions for Reaching Below The Surface
Trauma and people's exposure to it is becoming an ever-present reality in many work, school and virtual environments. Young people who have experienced trauma are often misunderstood by others and sometimes attempt to cope in unusual and complex ways. This resource can help professional educators to become better equipped with interventions, strategies, recommendations, and critical insights into the world of the traumatized student. The creative and experiential nature of these interventions and strategies is often what helps get below the surface of the trauma to help these students to better cope and bounce back from their difficult experience(s).
44 Counseling Interventions Grouped by 7 Resiliency Factors:
Self-Regulation & Distress Tolerance Strategies
Containment Strategies
Mindfulness Strategies
Belonging, Purpose & Self-Advocacy Strategies
Willpower, Self-Esteem & Empowerment Strategies
Interpersonal Skill Strategies
Creativity & Gratitude Strategies
20 "One-Liner" Interventions
Quick-Find intervention Glossary (by behavior)
Quick-Find Intervention Glossary (by feeling)
Building Emotional Intelligence: A Skills-Based Curriculum for Improving Children’s Coping, Social and Academic Success
This skills and sensory-based curriculum offers 46 activity-based lessons that provide a comprehensive way to help children increase their emotional intelligence (EQ). The lesson plans can be conducted in short 15-20 minutes bursts assisting students in learn about feelings as they relate to self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills.
Children become equipped with an understanding of emotions and then practice specific emotion-related skills that can help them deal with the normal stressors of everyday life.
Lessons are flexible and can be delivered to classrooms, small groups or individual students.
Topics include:
• 5 categories of feelings
• Emotion level ratings
• Coping skills
• Nonverbal reading of others
• Empathy and social communication skills
• Games, puzzles and much more


My Feelings Workbook
This workbook is specifically designed to help children understand, deal with and process emotions and feelings on a nonverbal body level. It not only helps children figure out how they feel, but WHERE they feel. With enough practice, children will gain mastery over even their more intense feelings. In the process, they learn how to build stronger bridges between their emotional minds and their thinking minds. This workbook contains fun activities, useful strategies and reproducible worksheets. Compared with other feeling-focused books, this resource can be especially useful when working with children who are experiencing intense emotions, such as after a traumatic event. These feelings can sometimes seem overwhelming to children. Helping children to focus on where and how their emotions are felt in their bodies will allow them to process and deal with these intense feelings. This emotion-body connection approach can be useful in helping children to become more reassured and confident in how they handle and manage these kinds of emotions whenever they occur in their lives.